Monday, May 30, 2011

My cold water rush

" YAY WERE GOING TO THE BEACH " I screamed. " I am so exhilarated to have swim " I said. and when we got there I was already dressed, but as soon as I put my first foot in the water straight away I darted out with a shivering body, while everyone was having more fun than me. I felt pretty embarased.

So I thought that I cold do it, but once again it was FREZZING COLD, even colder than the last time. I started to get dressed but then, BOOM, it hit me, I knew I could do this.

" I said third times the charm, right ". As I was sprinting to the water, I thought why don't i just walk in slowly. And as I was doing that it was working. I actually got in before we left. Then mum called " time to go home now " and I screamed " AAAAAAWWWWWW ".

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