- Do not use last names.
- Do not give too much information about yourself. For example write "I play for a local soccer team." Do not write "I play for the Hamilton North Junior Rugrats soccer team."
- Never give out your address, email address or phone number.
- Do not post photos of other people without teacher approval.
Write Quality comments:
- It is OK to disagree with the author of a post but when writing a comment always give a reason why you disagree.
- One word comments are not useful. Explain yourself and give constructive messages.
- Make compliments to the writer of the post in an interesting way that makes them feel special. Even ask questions.
- Make relevant comments to the post you are writing about.
- Always be considerate of others.
- When writing a post it must be put to draft before posted so that your teacher can conference with you. Read the comment or post allowed and edit before saving as a draft.
Some ways we can begin our comments:
- Your post made me think that...
- I discovered/learnt...
- This makes me think....
- Your post made me form an opinion about...
these are the best rules mr T
good rules Mr tee now no one will get hurt