Tuesday, April 1, 2014



On Friday some of the classes went to squash. It was right by the hospital. The ride didn't take that long. Well we went inside and the famous chairs!!!''  Oh my god I'm sitting on famous chairs!!! ''. Ok now just breath. Well we met an expert and I think her name was Lucy. Any way we went upstairs. They were small as I nearly tripped over '' Woh ''. Then we all looked at Lucy playing squash , she was amazing! She was like the most popular person I've ever met. There were other games like tennis and badminton. Badminton was really hard but, tennis wasn't. Tennis was so easy it wasn't hard at all, I didn't even need help. It was my turn playing squash. Georgia and I ran to each other and said '' me and you yes '' So we ran to court 1 and Lucy said '' GO ''! We started to play. '' Man I suck .'' But when I got the hang of it I was really good. It was the competition. '' YES '' I beat you''. But then it was the semi finals. It was me and Shaneille. I'm the winner I got seven and Shaneille got two. On the second round ,  Shaneille was winning. The timer stopped. ''OOH '' I lost. But oh well it was fun. We all grabbed our bag and we had to walk all the way to the lake for lunch. '' mmmmm '' my lunch was yum as. The river walk people came back to pick us up so we drove back to school. It was a great time at squash. Maybe I should go there another time, it was so much fun.

so we drove back to school.   



  2. Grace
    That's a really great recount about the event. From your information I was able to get a good understanding of what went on, but there was one part of your writing that I was not sure about which was the famous chairs. It intrigued me because I didn't really know what you were referring to - was it the seats in a teachers car? Or on a bus?
    Mr Webb and Room One, Auroa Primary School, Auroa, Taranaki.
