Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Best camp ever

When I went to camp I was very nervous because I had no experiences about camp. I was there to have fun and I was also learning what to do when I go to camp.When I went there it was not what I had pictured. I thought there were tents but instead there was a house and a lot of hills. Apart from that everything was what I pictured. When I was there I saw games I had never been on. The worst I thought was scary and weird was abseiling and flying fox because they were in high places. It looked to me like I was up in space saying hello to everyone down on the earth. When I got to the top it was like 10000 miles down (I thought) Abseiling was when you had to get harness.After that we had to climb the steps of victory.I'm still going I'm still going. My heart was about to blow up by pumping to fast. When I saw the lady I thought I could do it but bad luck I went up feeling like I was unstoppable but it turns out that I was stoppable of my own fear,when I was on the step it hit me I can't do it but I went up and went to the egde with the lady which told me you can do it but I was scared that I might die and go to heaven real quikley unfortunately i was scared of I sadly did not do it.


  1. Really interesting how you have included the concept of prior knowledge and how you used that to find new things. Well crafted. You have also included visualising when you say "It was not what I had pictured."

  2. hi aisha u are cool and i love your story that i wont to have it so badaly can i have it lol :)
