Saturday, June 4, 2011
Going to Peru
Queen's B-Day
Friday, June 3, 2011
freezing ice
Cold water
the experienced going in cold water
When I experienced going in cold water it made me a little bit tired, spaghetti arms floating on the surface as my head popped up and down. It was the first time going swimming at the pools. My mum told me to get in the water and lance jumped in and splashed me in the face and i splashed him back in the face. Then we went back home for lunch.We had fish and chips. It was nice and yummy. We went to the river. We jumped and did a back flip off the rocks and i just about broke my leg on the rocks and it was sore. The end.
Icy cold!!!
Later on we went to have a good
time having a nice toasty hot
crack up
Thursday, June 2, 2011
frezzzing cold water
frezzing cold water
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Frezzing cold water
As we arived at the beach. I was dying to have a swim,not knowing that the water was cold I swiftly jumped into the the water,sudenyly I jumped out with a flash, I felt like a frezzer ready to burst,myfeet felt numb as though each tiny little toe was going to fall off. I was five at the time I was so little and not tough so I couldn't handle the cold frezzing water. I waited... for every minute I would run to the water and feel it, each time i felt the water it got warmer. I felt it one last time. finaly it was warm. I jumped in and my aunty shouted "we're going home" "doh"I said like homer simpson and went home sad.
My cold water story
When I got there I was nervos I got closer and closer I turned away
and looked at my Aunty Renee and fell in and got a fright then quickly
jumped out then yelled "That was cold but fun". My body went so
numb I could not walk and dried myself with the towel
Then I jumped in and and splashed my Aunty then I suddenly got
a hudge fright when I turned around and there was a hudge frog
that was about to jump on me. Me and my Aunty quickly ran to the car
and we both were off like jets in the sky then we both got home
safely and never heard from that crazy frog again untill it came up on the
News "someone went to that beach and that beach got closed forever .
In the end I got in the water dut it was freezing cold. the rest of the day I had lots of fun we went home for lunch. we had somthing deliciously good. then we went back to pockahenu beach for a littil bit longer. then we all went home and got the trailer and kayak.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Muddy Mountain
Cold Water
My cold and icy feet
I'm never going back
When we went there it was a hot and sunny day together. I went in first. I thought it was hot but no it wasn't cold. So every now and then I would run to look at the tide but it would always run back.But then the water got warmer every time. " Aisha 15 more min " said mum. "But mum I have not been in the water yet" I said. "fine 2o more min" said mum. So I went in not caring about how cold it was. So when I went in and I was like a ice cube in the middle of the ocean. But then I my dad jumped in and made a huge splashed I hated him then. I loved it because we splash at each other. I think I splash him real hard because he started to get out but then he did a huge cannon ball.
"Time to get out" Mum said. "Ok" I said. When we got out Dad gave me a towel. " DAD it's cold" I said " Pay back"said dad. When we dry our self we had chips and ice-cream. I will never forget that day.
My cold water rush
So I thought that I cold do it, but once again it was FREZZING COLD, even colder than the last time. I started to get dressed but then, BOOM, it hit me, I knew I could do this.
" I said third times the charm, right ". As I was sprinting to the water, I thought why don't i just walk in slowly. And as I was doing that it was working. I actually got in before we left. Then mum called " time to go home now " and I screamed " AAAAAAWWWWWW ".